
Pawan Kalyan’s 1st Speech In Assembly: Very Mature

The keenly-anticipated assembly sessions have commenced in Andhra Pradesh and they opened on a very serene note. With the YCP faction nearly negligible in the house, the TDP and JSP MLAs led the charge.

Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan delivered his first speech in the assembly and this fulfilled the long-standing dream of Mega fans and JSP supporters who are delighted at the sight of their beloved leader in the assembly.

“YCP is of the mindset that they can be in the assembly only when they are in the ascendency, but not when they are downbeat. When they won 151 MLAs, they were creating ruckus here, and now, they are nowhere.” Pawan said.

Pawan remarked that an assembly is a place where the legislators must discuss and debate on public policymaking, but the YCP government made the assembly a harbor for slurs and personal abuses. He said the new government will uphold the spirit of democracy and hold the assembly in a respected manner.

Though this is Pawan’s first time in the assembly, he spoke calm and mature manner. It implied that Pawan is versed with the traditions in the assembly and he vows to carry on with the debates in a very composed manner.