KA – Overseas – Full-Run Gross – $774K – Blockbuster

Kiran Abbavaran & Nayan Sarika’s KA completed its overseas run with a gross of $774K. The film had a good run in the USA and it would have crossed the one million dollar overseas gross had it got a wide release in Australia, the UK and the Gulf. Even with the limited overseas release, it has finished the run with an impressive $774K and ended up becoming a profitable venture for all the involved parties.

Below is KA’s detailed overseas country wise full-run break up.

CountryLocal Currency/AdmitsUSD
North America$656,031$656,031
Gulf1300 Admits – UAE$23K
UK & Ireland£27,173$35K
Rest of World$20K – Estimates$20K – Estimates
Total Full-Run Gross$774K

Total Full-Run Gross – $774K – ₹6.53 Crores

Verdict – Blockbuster