Sometimes kind act will also go in vain as a man from Coimbatore has
been tested positive of Corona virus. Going into details, a 61-year-old
social worker from Thudiyalur distributed food to needy people along
with police during the lockdown.
This old man had travel history
of Delhi and returned to Thudiyalur on March 23rd. He had symptoms of
Corona and was preferred to ESI in Coimbatore. Then he was tested
positive of virus. Along with him seven more people were infected of the
virus and now the policemen who took part in food packets distribution
are under scanner.
Samples from 40 police personnel were
collected and as a precautionary they were sent to quarantine and eight
policemen are yet to be tested.
As per the officials 139 people
have travelled from Delhi to Coimbatore on March 23rd and the officials
are busy tracing all the people with Delhi travel history.
Man with Corona distributed food packets to poor