Mega Supreme hero Sai Dharam Tej is currently undergoing treatment at Apollo hospital in Hyderabad. The actor met with an accident last night in Hyderabad. Sai Dharam’s bike slipped on the road because of the sand and the police officials claimed that he was riding the vehicle against the permitted speed limit.
Today morning, the news came out that the Hyderabad police booked a case against Sai Dharam Tej for rash driving and negligence. The police officials reportedly registered a police case under section 336 of the Indian Penal Code and Motor Act 184 for rash driving and negligence. However, there are multiple reports regarding the same.
A few are claiming that Sai Dharam Tej was not overspeeding. Today, the Hyderabad police completed their investigation and gave a detailed report about the accident that took place yesterday.
Madhapur DCP Venkateshwarlu has completed the investigation. The following are some of the key takeaways from the police’s investigation.
Sai Dharam Tej purchased a second-hand bike from LB Nagar-based Anil Kumar. The cops confirmed that they are investigating Anil Kumar about the same. The registration formalities were not completed too. Earlier, Sai Dharam Tej was booked for overspeeding near Parvathapur in Madhapur. The cops charged a fine of 1135 rupees too. Until today, the fine was not cleared. Today, one of Sai Dharam Tej’s fans cleared the amount.
Coming to the debate about speed, the cops confirmed that Sai Dharam Tej was riding the vehicle at 72kmph when the accident took place. They also added that he was riding at a speed of 102 kmph. The police also confirmed that the actor’s driving was rash and he was also negligent by attempting to overtake an Auto from the left side.
The cops also said that they did not find a two-wheeler driving license with Sai Dharam Tej. They said that the actor has a light motor vehicle driving license.
The cops finally added that Sai Dharam Tej was wearing a helmet when the accident took place.
This post was last modified on 11 September 2021 11:42 pm
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