Deepika Padukone, who was welcomed grandly a few days ago for her shoot with Prabhas, seemed to have had a gala time shooting with the actor and the whole team. She completed the first schedule of their much-awaited untitled Pan-India project.
The film has been tentatively called Project K and the makers have wrapped up the schedule in Hyderabad. On the last of the shoot, Prabhas treated Deepika Padukone with a seven-course meal. The picture shows some scrumptious South curries, mouth-watering biryani, kebabs and other palatable dishes.
Sharing a glimpse of the same, Deepika wrote, “IfYouKnowYouKnow.” In the other picture from the flight, the Bajirao Mastani actress wrote, “You were lovely Hyderabad until we meet again…” Prabhas is a big-time foodie and so is Deepika. The actors, being like-minded, must have enjoyed the huge spread with a never-ending binge!
Meanwhile, Nag Ashwin expressed his excitement to see Deepika play the character. He said the chemistry between the actress and Prabhas will be one of the main highlights of the film. Project K also stars megastar Amitabh Bachchan in an important role.
This post was last modified on 13 December 2021 11:47 am
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