Pushpa: The Rise is the movie of the moment in Tollywood. The film is hitting the screens tomorrow in a grand manner. Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna are playing the lead roles in the film. Sukumar is the film’s director. The other day, when the makers are in Bangalore, for the film’s promotions, the Kannada media raised an important point that Rashmika did not dub her character despite being from the state. Allu Arjun has clarified the issue but the actress is subjected to trolls on social media.
Allu Arjun revealed that Rashmika did not have time to dub for the film’s Kannada version as the team is occupied with the shoot until the 8th of this month.
The netizens are trolling Rashmika for not having enough time to dub her role in her native language. “Rashmika has put a great effort into learning Telugu, especially the Chittor slang. How can she not take some time out to dub the film in Kannada?” asks the netizens.
But, one must understand that Rashmika would not have done that if she had time. Rashmika is working on multiple projects at a time and juggling between different shoots. She would have loved to dub for the film in Kannada and it will take less time compared to the time she took to dub the film in Telugu.
Another key point that people are raising on social media is that, “If Fahadh can dub all the languages, why can’t Rashmika dub the film in her native language?”
It is another unfair comparison. Rashmika is the leading lady of the film and Fahadh has less screen time in the first part. It is certainly easy for the Malayalam actor to finish his dubbing but it is not the case for Rashmika.
So, it is important to understand that no one wants to do such things intentionally. Above all, Rashmika already tendered an apology and promised to not miss dubbing for the film’s second part.
Pushpa: The Rise is hitting the screens tomorrow in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam and Hindi languages.
This post was last modified on 16 December 2021 3:51 pm
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