With Bollywood diva Alia Bhatt confirming that she has indeed signed Jr NTR’s upcoming film to be directed by Koratala Siva, fans have got completely excited. Though NTR and Alia haven’t acted as a pair in Rajamouli’s magnum opus RRR, this will be their second film together. And here’s an interesting snippet.
They say that Alia Bhatt has signed this film without even listening to the script. And unlike in Bollywood, she hasn’t even met the director of the film Koratala Siva before signing this contract. Buzz has that Jr NTR has just made a phone call to Alia to ask her if should be willing to join the movie, and she has immediately jumped into the bandwagon.
That explains how top-notch Bollywood star heroines are ready to work in Telugu movies no matter what. If the likes of Alia Bhatt, Deepika Padukone and other top Bollywood heroines are queuing up to Telugu movies now, one wonders if Telugu and South girl will ever get a chance to romance big Telugu stars from onwards.
But then, this happening is also an indication that the boundaries are truly blurring now and Telugu cinema has become the new dfiniton of pan-India cinema for sure.
This post was last modified on 5 February 2022 11:17 pm
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