Currently wrapping his upcoming film “Thank You” under the direction of Vikram K Kumar, Naga Chaitanya is looking forward to an exciting cinema journey. Though he has filmed with the likes of Tarun Bhaskar and Nandini Reddy to take off, he is actually focusing on his upcoming web series that is being produced by Amazon for their streaming platform Prime Video.
To be directed by Vikram Kumar only, this web series is a horror treat for Telugu cinema lovers and Chay plays an interesting role in this one. Rumored to be titled as “Dootha”, the 8 episode web series will have Chay playing the role of a messenger for ghosts. All the ghosts in a particular city in India will select Chay has their “Dootha” and make him do their work.
Not only sporting a new look, but Chay will be doing some terrific action adventures for this horror story which will be shot across India if reports are to be believed. Without undertaking any other movie, Chay might move on to this horror story first says a source in the know.
On the other hand, after Samantha’s The Family Man 2 stunt on Prime Video, Chay getting ready to rock the same platform is another exciting news for their fans who were disappointed after their parting.
Tags Dootha Naga Chaitanya