Pawan Kalyan’s upcoming action film Bheemla Nayak has almost locked on the release date with Feb 25th being the most likely date, while some say that they might push to April 1st as said as the GO on ticket prices is yet to be issued by Andhra Pradesh Government. And here is a crazy update about the film.
Like we said it already, the total shooting and final edit of Bheemla Nayak is done long back except for a song featuring Pawan Kalyan. And right now, shooting of that song is going at a brisk pace and within two days the song titled “Bheem Bheem Bheemla” will be wrapped up. Once this song shoot gets completed, then the total movie will be ready for release in a couple of days only. We are hearing that Pawan started the work with a bang and the shoot is going well.
Already the makers are booking the Censor slot as well for the movie such that they could even try for the Feb 25th release. And with Pawan Kalyan wrapping all the work regarding the project the only pending thing will be the release only.
This post was last modified on 14 February 2022 10:31 am
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