Tollywood actor Rahul Ramakrishna announced that he is finally getting married. The actor also shared a liplock pic with his fiancee, Haritha. Several fans posted congratulatory messages on the post. Rahul, who carved a niche for himself in Tollywood with several blockbusters, was planning to get married to his lady love before the pandemic.
Haritha is a software professional and the duo have already planned for a simple registered marriage earlier. Rahul once shared that Haritha was a big fan of his work. The lovebirds first met her at a party. Haritha and Rahul spoke to each other when the former offered him a ride as the latter was unable to find a ride back home. “I thought it was a very sweet gesture for a stranger to do. Our relationship began from that ride as we opened up.”
“Be it personality or professional traits, we have a lot in common and we clicked almost instantly,” recalls Rahul. Earlier, Rahul never shared her picture as she is a very private person. In the latest post too, one can vaguely see Haritha’s face, however, their mushy moment left fans in awe.
This post was last modified on 9 May 2022 8:51 am
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