Couple of days ago, Bollywood’s happening siren Disha Patani has stunned the onlookers as she turned up at the trailer launch event of “Ek Villain Returns” in Mumbai. Flaunting her midriff and giving an ample peek into her curvaceous figure, she dazzled at the place in a black dress. But that’s what got the attention of netizens now.
Ever since Disha turned up to that event with that scorching look, some people started to notice that there is something wrong with her nose and lips.
While few comment that maybe her different style of makeup or the lights at the venue made her look different, some comments are being heard about plastic surgery. It is right now trending in Bollywood circles that Disha might have opted for a nose-job or lip-job to get certain things corrected.
As Disha looks super spicy even without any such plastic job, one wonders if she would really go for it as she has a beautiful smile, charming face and curvaceous looks already.
But then, netizens are putting up many comments about it, however, it is Disha’s personal thing to get whatever cosmetic job she wants to get done. Anyway, insiders have denied all these allegations, and maintained that she haven’t got any such corrective surgeries done.
This post was last modified on 1 July 2022 3:59 pm
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