Well known Tamil film critic and Box Office tracker LM Kaushik passed away in Chennai today. He was just 36-year-old. According reports, Kaushik suffered massive cardiac arrest and he breathed his last. Kaushik’s sudden demise has shocked media and film fraternity. Kaushik was also known name among Telugu film circles. He also worked as VJ for Galatta.
In a statement, Galatta has condoled Kaushik’s death and wrote, “Reputed film critic, movie tracker, and Galatta VJ @LMKMovieManiac passed away today, due to cardiac arrest. His demise is a huge personal loss & we here at Galatta extend our heartfelt condolences & strong support to the bereaved family in this hour of grief. Several celebs too condoled Kaushik’s sudden demise.
This post was last modified on 15 August 2022 10:53 pm
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