Right now, Bollywood is going through quite a tough time with biggies like Laal Singh Chaddha and Raksha Bandhan, as well as small films like Ek Villain 2 and Dobaara also didn’t do well at the box office. Right now Karthikeya 2 is ruling the roost there after posting ₹16+ crores nett collection since its release.
Of course, all it takes is one good film that is having terrific content that even Hindi films will work at the box office. Recently the likes of Shamshera looked promising but nothing worked out.
However, the flop show of these films is now prompting a discussion that Pushpa and Karthikeya 2 have scored at the Bollywood box office through their content and without any publicity at all. They say that even Bollywood should down its publicity costs and focus on releasing content-based trailers to promote films.
Frankly speaking, not all the time films will work based on word of mouth, but sometimes publicity is also needed to get the right attention a film deserves. At the same time, had Disha and Tara not promoted Ek Villain 2 in those ravishing outfits, surely the film would have not made the collection it actually made. So, it’s definitely wrong to compare every single film’s result with Pushpa and Karthikeya 2, and ask the producers of other films to cut down promotions.
This post was last modified on 25 August 2022 10:19 am
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