Maverick director Ram Gopal Varma received a shock from Nalgonda court on his movie ‘MURDER.’ As we know the film is highly inspired by the honour killing that took place in Telangana in 2018, Amrutha, wife of Pranay (the main victim) raised objections over this.
Accordingly, Amrutha approached the SC,ST court in Nalgonda and filed a petition. This case came for hearing on Monday and the court heart the arguments of the advocate on behalf of Amrutha. After considering, the Court issued interim orders.
The court said that until the full hearing of this case takes place, the film can’t go for a release. This is a kind of shock to RGV and he is yet to react on the court’s latest ruling.
So far RGV has released a trailer and two songs but they garnered luckeworm response.
This post was last modified on 24 August 2020 3:10 pm
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