Puri Jagannadh has recently met Chiranjeevi on the shooting sets and narrated him a storyline. Reports were rife that Puri and Chiru would collaborate for a film. However, here is the inside information. Puri’s story is meant for Ram Charan but not for Chiru. Since Chiru is the deciding factor and puts a strong word to Charan, Puri went through Chiru’s route.
Puri and Chiru developed good rapport during The Godfather. Puri had done a small role out of respect for Chiru in the film. Based on this rapport, Puri approached Chiru to reach out to Charan who is quite busy with big-budget films. Currently, Charan is doing a massive film under the direction of Shankar.
It was Puri who had directed Ram Charan’s debut film Chirutha. But Puri is on a downward spiral. He lost heavily with Liger and is in the middle of the controversies.
Amidst all this, things look very difficult for Puri to get into the Mega compound. Puri’s JGM (Jana Gana Mana) with Vijay Deverakonda was shelved after the disaster result of Liger. While Vijay has teamed up with Gowtam Tinnanuri, Puri is on lookout for a hero for his next.
This post was last modified on 19 January 2023 4:34 pm
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