We have known actor Ram Charan as a devotee of Lord Ayyappa. Even Pawan Kalyan mentioned that Charan follows the tradition and prelude before he visits Sabari Mala in Kerala. Ram Charan is now in Ayyappa swamy mala again and the actor is all set to surprise the folks at the Oscars as he is taking off in his full-black attire for the Oscars 2023 event. Before attending the Oscars, Ram Charan will be joining the HCA Film Awards in Los Angeles on February 24.
Ram Charan was papped last night in his barefoot and in simple clothes at the airport before leaving for the US to attend the Oscars event. Remaining barefoot on fast days is also a part of rituals followed in Ayyappa swamy mala.
The fans are hailing him for his immense respect for his belief and Indian tradition. Many even commented that he is going to be the first person in the world going to attend the Oscars in swamy mala.
Ram Charan’s humble outfit of the day at the Oscars is sure to steal the show as he put his devotional belief above everything. The 95th Academy Awards is scheduled to take place on March 12.
Ram Charan is going to represent the team of the movie RRR, as the song, Naatu Naatu from it got nominated in the Best Original Song category at this year’s Oscars.
This post was last modified on 22 February 2023 9:12 am
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