The new film of King Nagarjuna, who is actually banking on remaking a Malayalam film, hasn’t got launched due to a ‘rights’ issue. Like we said already, producer Abhishek Aggarwal who owns the rights to the Malayalam film Porinju Mariam Jose released a press note earlier that they will make the movie in Telugu amidst rumours that Nagarjuna wants to remake it under writer Prasanna Kumar’s direction. Here’s a fresh update now.
According to the grapevine, Nagarjuna’s good friends are said to have spoken to Abhishek Aggarwal and settled the deal. Both Annapurna Studios and Abhishek Aggarwal will be producing this Telugu version of Porinju Mariam Jose jointly, while the distribution of the movie in other states will be completely vested in the hands of ’The Kashmir Files’ producer.
Earlier it has come out that Abishek is not giving the rights to Nagarjuna because he wants another director to handle the film. But finally, he’s said to have agreed to Prasanna directing the remake, while the director he initially thought about will be given another film to handle. However, none of this news is officially confirmed by any parties involved in the game. Wait for it.
This post was last modified on 21 March 2023 8:57 am
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