Powerstar Pawan Kalyan has lined up interesting projects all of a sudden including Vinodhaya Sitam remake, Sujith’s #OG and Harish Shankar’s Ustaad Bhagat Singh, while Krish’s Hari Hara Veera Mallu is getting ready for release. And all of his projects are about to go to the shoot very soon as per the reports. Here comes an interesting snippet about #OG.
Ever since some working stills from the location-recce tour of director Sujith Reddy got out, many started thinking that the director is actually scouting locales in Europe to shoot #TheOG. That’s not true. In fact, if one looks at those pictures deeper, one will understand the fact that they are actually scouting in Mumbai only. Earlier on Gulte, it was revealed that Pawan’s #OG will have this Mumbai backdrop. The director is currently in Mumbai along with his cinematographer Ravi K Chandran, to find out some exciting locales for the gangster drama.
On the other hand, Pawan Kalyan has already wrapped work on Vinodhaya Sitam remake and will be heading to Harish Shankar’s movie on April 1st week. Then after working on that movie for 20 days, he will be kickstarting the shoot of #OG as well. Looks like he will be giving a big feast to his fans before the 2024 elections.
This post was last modified on 28 March 2023 1:27 am
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