Actress, filmmaker and former wife of Pawan Kalyan Renu Desai took a class to Pawan’s die-hard fans. On Akira’s birthday, a fan of Pawan commented on Renu’s birthday wishes to son Akira. The fan asked Renu to show Pawan’s son’s picture properly. Taken aback by this, Renu felt offended. She said Akira is her son.
That is not all. Renu asked fans of Pawan Kalyan why they are visiting her Insta profile and putting negative comments against her. She said it’s been a long time since she parted ways with former husband Pawan. She said she has been facing this for the past 11 years. Replying to another fan, Renu asked whether he comes from a good family. He asked him to respect mother and advised him to ask his mother whether what he was saying or commenting was correct. Renu said she has been treated like a villain for the past 11 years by Pawan’s fans.
In another post, Renu admitted that she got emotional and cried watching a video about her. She thanked a lady in a video for standing by her. Renu said she doesn’t know the lady but wrote a lengthy and emotional post thanking her.
Overall, Renu is opening up so much. She also made it clear that she has no political inclinations. She said she is aware that all target her saying she is talking before elections. She made it clear once again that she is not talking for or against any political party.
This post was last modified on 9 April 2023 8:33 pm
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