Actress Parineeti Chopra got engaged to her boyfriend Raghav Chadha. The couple have been spotted going out for lunch dates many a time and when asked they just smiled every time.
The engagement event took place at Kapurthala House in Connaught Place. Ragha Chadha is an Aam Aadmi Party leader.
Priyanka Chopra and her cousin Siddharth Chopra attended the engagement event.
Parineeti shared the wonderful pictures from her engagement with Raghav Chadha. She captioned it with, ‘Everything I prayed for .. I said yes! 💍’
Parineeti was wearing a Manish Malhotra ensemble and Ragha chose to be in a Sherwani designed by his maternal uncle Pawan Sachdeva.
Tags Parineeti Chopra ENgagement Parineeti Ragha Chadha Engagement