Bollywood actress Urvashi Rautela amazes all with her fame and presence at world events despite appearing in small roles in Bollywood films. In yet another news making move, the Boss Party girl Urvashi Rautela moved into a lavish bungalow which is worth ₹190 cr!
While it is not known if she has purchased or rented the property, Urvashi Rautela moved into a posh house in Juhu area near Yash Chopra’s house. Urvashi’s new house is believed to be a four-storey bungalow with lavish amenities.
The bungalow also comes with a lavish garen, a personal gym and a huge backyard space. Urvashi reportedly moved into her new house about three months ago.
The name of the bungalow is also not known, but her house shares the same wall with the popular Chopra bungalow which was previously owned by Yash Chopra’s wife Pamela Chopra.
This post was last modified on 2 June 2023 12:02 am
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