Actress Lavanya Tripathi got engaged to her beau Varun Tej last week. The couple looked all smiles amidst the family event and they looked adorable. While everyone is waiting for the wedding date, the internet started searching for one thing about Lavanya Tripathi, her Caste!
Some things never change and that urge to know the caste of a person is one of them. Be it Satya Nadella or any girl who gets married to a famous film star, people start searching for caste on the internet.
Lavanya was considered just one of those beauties from the North, but the grand entry into the Mega family turned the tables for her. She turned the hot topic in Tollywood. And with the search for her caste, Lavanya Tripathi’s name is trending on top.
In an old interview, Lavanya Tripathi talked about the least importance of caste in her family. Though she was born in a Brahmin family in Faizabad in Uttar Pradesh, Lavanya said she believes that one person becomes great with their acts but not with their caste.
Lavanya’s father is a High Court lawyer and her mother is a retired teacher. Lavanya has a younger sister and a younger brother. While some fans are praising the Mega family for their welcoming nature and diversified thinking, some are ridiculing the people searching for caste topics in every discussion.
Tags Lavanya Tripathi Caste Varun Tej Varun Tej Lavanya Tripathi