Kannada star Yash gained immense popularity for portraying Rocky Bhai in the KGF franchise. Although he has not officially announced his upcoming film, which is tentatively titled Yash19, fans are eagerly awaiting any updates regarding his future ventures. In the midst of this anticipation, Yash broke the silence on the delay in signing a new film.
Yash addressed the media during a visit to Mysore, accompanied by his wife, Radhika Pandit, and children. He spoke about his upcoming project, Yash19, expressing his understanding of the expectations and his acting responsibility.
Yash emphasized that he values the hard-earned money people spend watching a film and assured fans that the team is working diligently to deliver an exceptional cinematic experience. He conveyed his dedication and the hard work put in by the entire team, aiming to bring happiness to audiences worldwide.
Yash also emphasized that he has been utilizing his time effectively and not letting any opportunity go to waste. While the actor did not provide specific details about the project, he assured fans that their patience would be rewarded and the film would be worth the wait.
This post was last modified on 22 June 2023 2:07 am
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