Pic Talk: Mrunal’s kickboxing skills!

Actress Mrunal Thakur, known for her graceful presence on screen, showcased her kickboxing skills after being inspired by her Toofan co-star, Farhan Akhtar. Under the guidance of MMA and Jiujitsu player and coach, Rohit Nair, Mrunal underwent intense training for her action scenes in the film Toofan, proving she can pack a punch with her kick-ass moves.

Although her initial training was for her role in Toofan, the combat sport has now become a regular part of her workout routine. Mrunal expressed in an interview that her MMA training came in handy for her role in the film Selfiee, where she performed a special number, “Kudinayee Ni Teri.”

Training under a professional MMA coach like Rohit Nair requires significant effort and dedication. Mrunal’s commitment to mastering the techniques showcases her readiness to take on challenging roles and embrace new experiences.