Minister Ambati Rambabu vs Bro makers is what keeps the film in the spotlight. Ambati has once again attacked Pawan Kalyan’s Bro once again. In the latest tweet, Ambati said, “Collections Nil For Producer. Pocket Full for Package Star.” Ambati tagged actor Pawan Kalyan and producer TG Vishwa Prasad.
The ongoing political war between Janasena and YSRCP is impacting Pawan Kalyan’s Bro. The film has a spoof episode based on Ambati Rambabu’s character and it is called Shyam Babu in the movie. The role was played by 30 Years Prudhvi. This sequence has become a talking point ever since the film hit the screens. Naturally, Ambati is unhappy with the spoof on him and the dialogues aimed at him. He is targeting Bro to the core. But in turn, he has become the big promotional strategy for the movie.
Touted to be the remake of Vinodhaya Sitham, the film stresses the significance of life and time in one’s life journey. Pawan played the role of Time. Trivikram Srinivas has penned the screenplay and dialogues. The Bro team is going on a promotional tour from today and expecting to improve the BO numbers as this week turns out to be crucial for the film.
Tags Ambati Rambabu bro collections