Rashmi Gautham, who is known for her anchoring skills and spicy glamour treats in the Telugu comedy show Jabardasth, is hoping to make a comeback to the silver screen from some time. She appeared in a song of Megastar Chiru’s Bholaa Shankar, and the film was a box office disappointment. Her appearance in the song was also not well-received by the audience.
This has led to some speculation that Rashmi’s career may be in decline, but then actress is confident that her upcoming cameo will make her talk of the town again. In the upcoming film “Boys Hostel” Rashmi is playing a spicy cameo as she appears as a lecturer, about whom various students imagine some fantasies. Those fantasies make Rashmi appear like a model in various popular TV commercials.
Providing both glamour and attention for this cameo, Rashmi is confident that Boys Hostel will be a success, as she is “looking forward to the audience’s reaction” to her performance in the film. Hoping that this cameo should work, the actress is also excitedly promoting the film big time. Though her cameo is pretty short, surely she’s the only glamorous relief in the film, and that might work as well. We have to see if Rashmi’s gamble will pay off anyway.
Boys Hostel is directed by Nithin Krishnamurthy and is slated to release on August 26, 2023.
This post was last modified on 24 August 2023 8:26 am
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