Renowned producer Dil Raju unveiled the teaser for the upcoming movie “Thiragabadara Sami,” directed by AS Ravikumar Chaudhary and starring Raj Tarun. However, during the teaser launch event, director AS Ravikumar Chowdary’s behavior garnered widespread attention for the wrong reasons.
He openly kissed actress Mannara Chopra in front of the media, leaving her visibly uncomfortable and taken aback. The incident, caught on camera, has circulated on social media, with many expressing their displeasure over the director’s behavior, deeming it inappropriate and unprofessional.
On the other hand, the film’s teaser showcases Raj Tarun’s character as an innocent young man who abhors violence, while the girl he loves has an affinity for it. Interestingly, both characters are devoted fans of Natasimham Nandamuri Balakrishna.
As circumstances unfold, Raj Tarun’s character is compelled to take a different, more aggressive path. Raj Tarun convincingly portrays the transformation from innocence to a determined individual standing up for his people. The lead actress, Malvi Malhotra, brings beauty and charm to the screen.
This post was last modified on 29 August 2023 8:27 pm
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