Mass Ka Das, Vishwaksen has been busy with the upcoming movie “Gangs of Godavari.” In addition to his film commitments, he recently ventured into the world of OTT as the host of a family game show titled “Family Dhamaka,” exclusively available on the Aha platform. The show comprised a total of 15 episodes.
However, the reality family show reportedly did not meet expectations for both Aha and Vishwaksen. It struggled to capture the attention of OTT viewers, which was challenging given its family-oriented content. Many internet users remain unaware of the show’s existence, even though its first episode premiered last Friday.
To boost the show’s visibility among OTT audiences, the show’s creators and Vishwaksen may need to devise fresh promotional strategies. Aha is successful in churning out some interesting reality shows already. But, they will have to live up to the expectations.
By bringing in Vishwaksen, the platform has caught everyone’s attention but could not meet the initial success.
This post was last modified on 17 September 2023 9:54 am
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