Chandrababu Naidu’s arrest has been a hot topic in both the Telugu states. However, Tollywood is tight lipped over Naidu’s arrest. Considering that Chandrababu has good rapport with the Telugu film fraternity, many are shocked with the silence in the film industry on Naidu’s arrest. Ace producer and studio owner Suresh Babu, whose father Dr Ramanaidu was the MP from TDP, was asked about Chandrababu’s arrest, he has not minced words and clarified his thoughts on Naidu’s arrest.
“As an industry we have always stayed non-political and non-religious. From the time the industry was in Chennai till the time it shifted to Hyderabad, industry has always stayed away from politics. Many of us may have inclinations personally to political parties, but as a whole industry it is always non-political. Even during the Telangana and Andhra bifurcation, the film industry refrained from making any statements. The film industry is here to make films and we don’t want to make any statements on sensitive and ongoing political issues,” said Suresh Babu. “I may like a leader and I may not like a leader. It is my personal opinion. But as a film industry as a whole, it is non-political,” added Suresh Babu.
Suresh Babu described Chandrababu Naidu’s arrest as a sensitive topic and he maintained that the film industry wants to stay apolitical in all the issues. On the whole, Suresh Babu made a very polite and diplomatic comment on the topic. Babu made these comments during the media interaction of ‘Sapta Sagaralu Dhaati Side A’ Telugu dubbed film of Rakshit Shetty which is being released by the People Media Factory on 22nd September.
This post was last modified on 19 September 2023 1:21 pm
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