South beauty Rashmika Mandanna tasted only flops in Bollywood to date and many of her fans are wondering if she will ever get a break there. At this juncture, comes a director like Sandeep Reddy Vanga who has carved an intense gangster film “Animal” with Ranbir Kapoor in the leading role, while Rashmika is roped as the heroine. Here’s an exclusive update from this movie, which also woos Rashmika’s fans big time.
After getting married in the movie, Ranbir and Rashmika will be preparing for their first night in the typical white dhoti and white saree look. However, a gang of goons attack his house at the same time, and Ranbir kicks those goons into the sky on one side, and then romances Rashmika in the inbetween. They say that violence and romance are beautifully blended together by Sandeep Vanga and this episode is going to be a big show-stelaer.
Well, if Animal works big time, then surely Rashmika will get her big break in Bollywood provided with the fact that she finds another super creative filmmaker like Sandeep Vanga.
This post was last modified on 7 October 2023 7:06 am
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