Finally, today Venkatesh’s Saindhav makers have officially declared that their film is hitting the cinemas on January 13, 2024, on the eve of Sankranthi. Already we have Mahesh Babu’s Guntur Karam set for 12th Jan release, while Vijay Devarakonda’s Family Star and Raviteja’s Eagle, along with Prashant Varma’s Hanu Man are also coming on the festival eve only. So what are trade circles commenting about Saindhav’s move?
In fact, trade circles are not worried about Sithara Entertainment’s Guntur Karam and Dil Raju’s Family Star, because they both get ample theatres without any fail. And then, Peoples Media Factory secured enough theatres for Eagle movie. That brings us to Saindhav, for which, Suresh Babu might lend his support to the movie to get theatres through his good friends Geetha Arts and others. However, as the producer of Saindhav clarified that he hasn’t gotten any ‘blessing from Suresh Babu to go ahead with Sankranthi’s release, many are wondering about this decision.
For now, there is divided talk on Saindhav joining the Sankranthi race, as many expected that the film might choose the December date. Because, clashing with Hi Nanna, Extra and Operation Valentine is a much better option than actually clashing with Guntur Karam, Eagle and Family Star, isn’t it? All said and done, films with good content obviously survive all the clashes, and Saindhav makers are confident about that.
This post was last modified on 17 October 2023 11:11 am
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