The charming and crazy heroine of Tollywood, Sreeleela, has had a release each month at the box office for the last couple of months. After the flop show of Skandha earlier, she has proved her mettle with Bhagwant Kesari and now she is heading to the box office again with Vaishnav Tej’s Aadikeshava. And we have already reported that the ‘busy’ siren is finding it tough to attend the promotions of this movie due to another shoot at hand.
Today, the makers of “Aadikeshava” are gearing up for the trailer launch of the film at AMB Cinemas in the evening. The event was scheduled to happen long back but it got postponed due to the film’s postponement earlier. A couple of days ago, it was supposed to happen but then got cancelled due to some technical issues. While it is going to happen today, we hear that Sreeleela is today shooting for a mass song along with Nithin for their upcoming film “Extra” which is set for a release in December. Whether Sreeleela could wrap the shoot by the evening and attend the event or not has become a topic of discussion now.
For a film that is on low buzz, the presence of Sreeleela is quite important to grab the attention, while Sithara Vamsi’s statements at the event are something to look forward to because his speeches would sometimes set the needed buzz for films.
This post was last modified on 20 November 2023 3:15 pm
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