Mega Power Star Ram Charan is working with director Shankar currently. After RRR, many were puzzled about his next film but he signed ‘Game Changer’ with Ram Charan. Initially, the shooting for the film began, but when he decided to reschedule ‘Indian-2’ and shoot both films simultaneously, it led to a hiatus for ‘Game Changer.’
On the other hand, director Buchi Babu, who has been eagerly waiting for Charan, has already completed the script and pre-production work for a film with the actor. The casting options are also nearly finalized, but uncertainties about Charan’s availability and schedules have hindered progress.
However, recent discussions suggest that Ram Charan is determined to complete ‘Game Changer’ before February, no matter the circumstances.
Following the completion of ‘Game Changer,’ the plan is to commence and complete Buchi Babu’s film starting from March. Sources close to Charan have indicated that he has communicated clearly to Shankar about the need to avoid any further delays and complete the projects as soon as possible.
Hence, Shankar has to meet this deadline fixed by Ram Charan and in all ways, it will be beneficial for the project to get completed in time. We have to see if things go as planned.
This post was last modified on 20 November 2023 4:38 pm
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