Why did Ranbir Kapoor sign up for ‘Animal’?

Known for portraying diverse and creative characters, ranging from a love failure to a hearing and speech-impaired guy and a sales guy, Ranbir Kapoor has now taken a step further to elevate his craft.

In expressing his decision to take on the movie “Animal,” Ranbir highlighted the central theme that resonated with him—the father and son relationship depicted in the film. He revealed that the intense portrayal of this relationship struck a chord with him, drawing parallels to his own experiences with his late father, Rishi Kapoor. Recalling Rishi Kapoor’s busy schedule as a top actor, Ranbir shared how there were times when his father couldn’t find the time for him, a sentiment he also felt with his grandfather. Ranbir emphasized that such instances are common in Indian father-son stories, where the relationship is characterized by purity and emotion. It’s this genuine connection that drove him to showcase the audience the true love between a father and son.

The audience has already shown appreciation for Ranbir’s portrayal of his father, Anil Kapoor’s roleplay, in the trailer. With excitement building up, viewers eagerly anticipate what hidden gems the three-and-a-half-hour movie holds, ready to witness more of Ranbir’s compelling performance.