“Dhootha” marks the OTT debut of Naga Chaitanya and Vikram K Kumar, streaming on Amazon Prime Video. This suspense thriller with supernatural elements focuses on the life of Sagar, a renowned journalist portrayed by Naga Chaitanya. The series opened to a positive response from everyone, but the general opinion in the film circles is that it is still not getting the right due.
It is no exaggeration to say that Dhootha is the best series in the Telugu OTT space. But the wrong release date is not keeping the web series in the headlines. A few say that the release timing of Dhootha is not appropriate. The team hid the film’s content all these days but released it only on the release of ‘Animal.’
The series delves into the age-old debate of good journalism versus bad journalism, shedding light on the various challenges journalists face. Viewers praise the show for its dramatic elements and investigative storyline, but in ‘Animal’ storm, the impact of ‘Dhootha’ went to the back seat.
“Dhootha” has become a sensation on the digital platform, garnering a record number of views and currently holding the top spot on Prime Video. Naga Chaitanya’s presence in the lead role has undoubtedly contributed to its success.
This post was last modified on 4 December 2023 2:21 pm
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