NTR and Koratala Siva collaborated for the second time after Janatha Garage for the film Devara. Starring Saif Ali Khan and Jahnvi Kapoor, the film will be high on action and VFX. During the trailer launch event of Devara, Kalyan Ram dropped an update of Devara for the fans. Incidentally, he is one of the producers of Devara.
“Tarak already requested the fans not to ask for updates consistently. However, I want to share a few deets with all of you,” said Kalyan Ram.
He added, “For any actor, director and producer, it is a huge responsibility to deliver a successful film after the unimaginable success of RRR. The fans will be waiting especially for a huge blockbuster. All of us consider Devara to be a huge responsibility. We are working very hard to satisfy all of you. A glimpse will be dropped soon and the work has already commenced for the same.”
“The VFX is going to eat a lot of time of ours. We are planning to introduce you to a new world. We will confirm all the details soon. Stay tuned,” revealed Kalyan Ram.
On the other hand, Kalyan Ram’s Devil is directed and produced by Abhishek Nama.
This post was last modified on 12 December 2023 8:11 pm
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