Guntur Kaaram, starring Superstar Mahesh Babu, is gearing up for a grand release for this Sankranthi. Directed by Trivikram Srinivas, the film also features Sreeleela and Meenakshi Choudhary. Producer Naga Vamshi spilled the beans about the specialties in the film in recent fan interaction.
In order to address the concerns of fans, Naga Vamshi attended a special fan-space on X where he spoke highly about the film.
“I am sharing it with the fans as a special. In the first half, there is a fight, and the fans will get the feels of both Superstars. This Sankranthi is going to be extra special for the fans. The last 45 minutes of the movie will be a special highlight,” revealed Naga Vamsi to the fans.
After getting this assurance from the producer, the fans are extremely happy and are looking forward to the film’s grand release. There is some criticism around the film from certain corners but the team wants to turn everything positive by the time that film releases.
Guntur Kaaram will hit the screens on 12th January.
This post was last modified on 3 January 2024 10:28 am
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