One of the most awaited film events right now in Tollywood is none other than the pre-release event of Mahesh Babu’s “Guntur Kaaram”, which also marks the release of the trailer. While the event got postponed from January 6th with police denying permission for the same at Yousufguda Police Grounds, the new date is yet to be announced. Here are some reports.
Apparently, the makers are trying to get permission for the 8th of January, while the insiders are said to be advised not to go for that date, as director Trivikram also feels that it is inauspicious to do the event on the 8th as per numerology.
While that pushes the date towards the 9th, it happens to be Tuesday and that is another astrological hurdle. This is one side of the story, and they say that the Police are yet to give permission for any of these dates.
It is coming out that the ruckus created by film lovers after the Bigg Boss Pallavi Prashanth incident is worrying the Police, and hence they are not giving permission.
At the same time, Guntur Kaaram makers are advised to do the event indoors, at a function hall with limited fan attendance, but the makers want to do a big event, and hence a concern is arising for the police. We have to see which date gets locked for the event and how.
This post was last modified on 6 January 2024 4:55 pm
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