Other day, an ecstatic dad Allu Arjun shared a video of his son Ayaan, where the young one could be seen singing the Hindi song Lutt Putt Gayi from Shah Rukh Khan’s recently released movie Dunki. As the actor shared, the video went viral in no time and many fans have shared it many times on Twitter. Guess what, it fell in none other than SRK’s eyes now.
Reacting to Ayaan’s video, SRK quoted on Twitter, “Thank u lil one… you are flower and fire both rolled into one!!! Now getting my kids to practice singing Allu Arjun’s Srivalli… ha ha (sic)”.
In no time, even Allu Arjun responded to this, as he posted, “Shah Rukh ji … soo sweet of you . Humbled by your sweet msg . Lots of love 🖤🙏🏽 (sic)”.
Definitely, this banter between India’s biggest superstars has gone viral on Sunday and there is no limit to the fan-talk on these tweets. While Allu Ayaan singing Superstar’s song is adorable, King Khan’s reply is filled with warmth and Allu Arjun’s reply indeed showed lots of respect.
This post was last modified on 25 February 2024 6:33 pm
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