Tamil star hero Ajith Kumar is surrounded by some false rumours of late. Reportedly, the actor has joined a hospital recently for a treatment and the rumors surfaced that he underwent brain surgery. However, there is no truth in the same.
Initially, there was uncertainty about the reason for his hospitalization, leading to speculation and worry. Fortunately, it was later clarified by Ajith’s close friends that he was admitted for a routine checkup. Ajith’s official publicist has officially confirmed the reason behind the actor’s hospital visit.
It was revealed that Ajith is suffering from nerve inflammation, which necessitated his hospitalization. Ajith is receiving treatment for inflammation of the nerve connecting the ear to the brain. Additionally, rumors about Ajith undergoing surgery for a brain cyst were dismissed as untrue.
On the work front, Ajith Kumar will next be seen in Vidaa Muyarchi.