Hanu-Man, the socio-fantasy adventure directed by Prasanth Varma turned out to be one of the all-time blockbusters. The movie collected a worldwide gross of 300 Cr. Prasanth Varma who announced the sequel Jai Hanuman has already commenced pre-production works.
On the auspicious occasion of Hanuman Jayanthi, the makers came up with a new poster featuring Lord Hanuman and a dragon. As we can see, the dragon is trying to attack Hanuman. While it breathes fire, Hanuman is ready to take on it. The poster alone offer goosebumps.
Experience Jai Hanuman in IMAX 3D, announced the makers. So, this magnum opus is going to give a whole new experience to the viewers. Moreover, it will have some prominent actors in prominent roles.
While Hanu-Man was made on a limited budget, Jai Hanuman will be mounted on a big budget with high-end production and technical standards.
This post was last modified on 23 April 2024 3:41 pm
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