This Movie Just Vanished Like That?

Payal Rajput’s recent controversy surrounding the film “Rakshana” has left many wondering why the movie failed to generate any buzz despite its release on June 7. The actress had made headlines by accusing the film’s producer of threatening to ban her from Telugu cinema due to her refusal to promote the project without settling outstanding dues.

After much back and forth, Payal Rajput eventually settled the dispute with the producers, leading to the film’s release. However, the controversy surrounding the film’s release and Payal’s lack of promotion have resulted in the movie being largely ignored by audiences. Her refusal to promote the film without settling her dues has led to a lack of publicity for “Rakshana.” This, combined with the film’s poor reception, has resulted in the movie being largely forgotten.

Sometimes, even though the producers end up investing crores of rupees on a project, a few bad decisions will push their money into vain. Looks like Rakshana is one such classic case, and one has to blame Payal Rajput as well for ignoring the film saying that it was a 4-5 years old movie and might not work at the box office.