Here Are Ramoji Rao’s Five Grandkids!

Media baron and businessman, Ramoji Rao breathed his last recently. He has two kids, two sons, of whom his younger son Suman Cherukuri expired while the elder one Kiran Prabhakar takes care of some of the family businesses.

His daughters-in-law, Sailaja Kiran and Vijaeeswari also take care of the Ramoji’s businesses. And here are Ramoji’s grandkids sharing their feelings.

In the media and business world, Ramoji Rao is a big name. But to his grandchildren, he’s much more than that. Sahari, Brihati, Sohana, Sujay, and Divija shared their special relationship with their grandfather. He taught them the importance of being organized and on time, but he also showed them lots of love.

Sahari, the oldest grandkid, remembers feeling a mix of fear, devotion, and love for her grandpa. Sohana, also known as “Darling Number Three,” shares he wasn’t just a big shot in the media; he was like a dad to her after her own father (Suman) left.

Brihati remembers how her grandfather always wanted things to be the best. He taught her to work hard and be honest.

Sujay learned a lot from his grandfather too. He learned that when things get tough, it’s important to keep going.

Divija was inspired by her grandfather’s love for learning. He showed her that being kind and humble is more important than being famous.

These grandkids carry their grandpa’s teachings with them every day. They learned about love, discipline, and the value of education from him.