YouTuber’s Comment On Kalki: Vishwaksen Reacts

Young hero Vishwaksen is one such actor who never minces words and keeps cinema first. This time, though it was not about his film, the actor chose to respond to the criticism directed at “Kalki 2898 AD” by a YouTuber. And the shot he gave is epic.

Apparently, the YouTuber stated that the film Kalki 2898 AD should not be seen as something like India’s answer to Hollywood, because the film has lots of references taken from epic Hollywood films like Star Wars, Dune and others, which were made much before the present generation was born.

This didn’t go well with Vishwak, as he said, “Some people like this YouTuber try to kill a movie even before it releases. They are trying to jeopardise the work of 1000s of families that work hard for years to bring out a movie”.

Not stopping there, Vishwak further challenged the YouTuber to at least make a short film of 10 minutes in length before making any commentary on films. “Just for the sake of your income from YouTube through the views, don’t pass these comments. Make a short film, then you will win my respect at the least” the hero articulated.