Darshan’s Manager Dies By Suicide, Linked With Murder Case?

Kannada actor Darshan has been facing the charges of allegedly murdering a fan Renuka Swamy for his derogatory comments on Darshan’s rumored girlfriend Pavithra Gowda. In a twist to the tale, Darshan’s manager was found dead in the actor’s farmhouse yesterday.

Darshan’s manager Sridhar was found dead and a handwritten suicide note and a video message were found in the farmhouse. Sridhar admitted in his suicide note that he was losing his life to the overwhelming sense of loneliness.

Darshan’s former manager Mallikarjun went missing in 2018 after reportedly taking 2 crore from the actor.

The police launched an investigation to find out the reasons behind Sridhar’s death and also if it is linked to Renuka Swamy’s murder.