“The Birthday Boy” promises an engaging mix of comedy and drama. Directed by Whisky and I.Bharath and produced by Bomma Barusu Productions, the film follows five friends who, despite their pact to avoid alcohol, break it to celebrate their friend’s birthday. What starts as a festive occasion takes a tragic turn when the birthday boy is accidentally dropped onto a glass table, resulting in a fatal injury.
As the friends confront the aftermath, the storyline twists with unexpected revelations. The deceased’s brother steps forward as their legal counsel, uncovering evidence that suggests the incident might not be an accident but a premeditated murder. This discovery sends shockwaves through the group, transforming their celebration into a compelling mystery.
Filmed with Sync Sound for realism, “The Birthday Boy” showcases good production values and a distinctive color grading technique by a Hollywood expert. Featuring Ravi Krishna, Sameer Malla, and Rajeev Kanakala in pivotal roles, the film explores themes of loyalty, deception, and the pursuit of justice.
Set in the backdrop of NRIs returning to Hyderabad, the narrative delves into cultural adaptation and the complexities of personal bonds. Audiences eagerly await its premiere on July 19th, anticipating a captivating narrative enriched with humor, suspense, and emotional depth.
This post was last modified on 10 July 2024 5:27 pm
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