Mega daughter Niharika Konidela has opened up about her life since her high-profile divorce from husband Chaitanya JV in 2023. Rather than dwelling on the pain of the separation, Niharika has chosen to focus on personal growth and reconnecting with her close-knit family, if her latest interview with a leading newspaper is anything to go by.
“I’m not wasting time on healing – I’m just getting busy with work and working out,” Niharika revealed. “It’s been great to spend more time with my sister-in-law Lavanya Tripathi, gossiping about the industry. We’ve really bonded over this shared experience”. The 30-year-old actress, who hails from the prominent Mega family in Telugu cinema, acknowledged that the aftermath of divorce is never easy for either party. However, she has firmly rejected any attempts to cast her as a “victim” in the situation.
“Life won’t be a cakewalk for both of us after the divorce, but I don’t want to play the pity card,” Niharika stated. “I’m grateful to have the support of my family, especially my father Nagababu, who has been my rock through all of this”. Rather than dwelling on the past, Niharika is focused on the future and her own personal growth.
Niharika’s ex-husband Chaitanya JV had previously expressed concerns about the “one-sided” narrative being presented, arguing that the pain and healing process is the same for both parties involved. However, Niharika’s latest comments suggest she is determined to move forward in a healthy, balanced way.
This post was last modified on 13 July 2024 3:27 pm
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