Nani is all smiles at the latest run of promotions for his upcoming film Saripodha Sanivaram. In an exclusive conversation with, the actor remarks that the post-production of the film is on full blast at the moment, happening simultaneously with promotions. “We like to serve a film hot off the pan,” quips Nani, laughing.
Director Vivek Athreya has pitched Saripodha Sanivaram to Nani two months after the release of Ante Sundaraniki. “He had a couple of other ideas as well, but I liked this idea best”, says Nani. The actor plays Surya, a humble insurance agent, with a twist. After an unfortunate incident in his childhood, his mom makes him promise that he should control his anger six days a week. On one day a week, he is allowed to unleash his emotions.
Delving deeper into the philosophy of the film, Nani says, “We usually think of anger as a completely negative emotion, but anger has its own purpose and utility. To harness that utility, to make sure that your anger actually has some purpose behind it, it is important to express anger occasionally. This rule in Saripodha Sanivaram makes someone really wonder if their anger is worth unleashing. If you can only lash out one day a week, it means your anger is well-thought-out. Though Saripodha Sanivaram is an out-and-out entertainer, there is also a philosophical undercurrent through the film, that explores the idea and purpose of anger.”
Nani explains that the biggest strength of Saripodha Sanivaram is the way it marries relatability with high adrenaline. He also states the film is more about the ‘mood of anger’, rather than ‘anger’ itself. He explains further saying, “There are only 4 action sequences in the film. Most of the film embodies this mood of anger. There is more thrill in the anticipation of an event, rather than the event happening. That is how Saripodha Sanivaram is going to play out.”
Nani’s maiden film Ashta Chamma turns 16 this year. Reflecting on his decade-and-half long journey in front of the camera, Nani comments, “It feels like I have finished one level of a video game, and that I have now reached level two. I’m not talking about levels in a competitive sense, but I am seeing life as a video game. It will be non-stop from here, it will have its own energy and I will have to see where it will take me.”
The actor-producer also shares details of his production banner Wall Poster Cinema’s upcoming projects. “We have a film with Priyadarshi. The official announcement will come out soon. We also have a Netflix original in the works,” says Nani.
This post was last modified on 23 August 2024 3:03 pm
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