Promising Director Vijay Kanakamedala returns with an intriguing new project featuring an exciting cast. Bellamkonda Sai Sreenivas stars alongside Manoj Manchu and Nara Rohith in this ambitious film, produced by KK Radhamohan under Sri Sathya Sai Arts, and presented by Dr. Jayantilal Gada of Pen Studios.
The filmmakers have just revealed the title and Bellamkonda’s striking first-look poster. Titled Bhairavam, this neo-noir action drama promises intensity and grit. Bellamkonda’s character appears fierce, wielding a sickle in one hand and a trident in the other, his rugged look enhanced by a thick beard and blood-smeared face. His imposing stance and the raw details in the poster suggest he’ll be playing a terrifying mass character
The background temple and villagers hint at a story rich with intrigue. With Bellamkonda, Manoj Manchu, and Nara Rohith joining forces, this fresh cast combination adds to the anticipation, especially with Vijay Kanakamedala’s proven skill at storytelling. Bhairavam looks to deliver a thrilling experience. The movie has a strong crew that includes – Music is by Sricharan Pakala and Cinematography by Hari K Vedantam promising a visually immersive world.
This post was last modified on 4 November 2024 4:41 pm
Raashii Khanna, the pan-Indian magnificence, is making waves however once more, this time with her…