Raashi Khanna, who recently starred in the Bollywood film The Sabarmati Report, is basking in praise for her performance even as the movie struggles at the box office. Despite its nationwide appreciation, the film has managed to collect only ₹18 crores against its ₹50 crore budget since its release on November 15. But Raashi isn’t letting the numbers dim her shine. The actress has been setting fashion goals with her sultry and chic looks during the film’s promotions, proving she’s a true style queen.
For her latest promotional appearance, Raashi sizzled in a cream-colored bralette paired with matching pants and a shrug. The ensemble was elevated with giant statement earrings, glossy makeup, and a pop of pink lipstick, while her open hair added a touch of elegance. Striking a confident pose with her hand in her pocket, the actress exuded effortless class and sensuality.
On the work front, Raashi is busy filming the Telugu movie Telusu Kada under Neeraja Kona’s direction, alongside Siddhu Jonnalagadda and Srinidhi Shetty. With projects lined up in Tamil and Hindi as well, she’s certainly keeping busy. But here’s the real question—can her next film rock the box office as hard as she rocks those killer outfits?
This post was last modified on 26 November 2024 7:12 pm
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